Friday, October 24, 2008

Sleep ?

First I want to say:


I'm sorry I won't see you this weekend but I'm thinking about you and I hope you had a great birthday. We will celebrate soon !!

This is going to be short because I'm pooped.
Tomorrow I work at Just Fresh from 7am-6pm *rolls eyes* I'm actually rolling my eyes at myself, if that's at all possible. I asked for extra hours. Tomorrow is day 10 of working non-stop with no end in sight. I've been getting to bed a little earlier, around 9:30pm. Tuesday I was so tired and sick (sinuses) that I crashed at 9. Still, that's only 6 hours sleep at the most and it's like I never stop moving anymore. Blah.
So 9 days into working my ass off and I picked up my check today at Target for.....wait for it......$160! Shit. I'm 2 car payments behind, my insurance was sue on the 20Th and I owe my mom 2 months rent,which she needs badly and keeps reminding me of. I feel like crying but it's not going to change anything so I think I'll save the energy.
So back to work started out great. I remember how much I loved working at Target before all of the backstabbing, pettiness and bullshit made me hate it. Actually, when I worked at PCA I was so bored most of the time I wasted to slam my head in the file cabinet so I don't know why I remember it so differently now. I get to work at 4am and next thing I know it's 7. the 8 hours go really fast and I get the rest of the day at home with the kids. It's pretty great. Just Fresh is a little harder to handle because I am working longer days and there is less work to do. They don't stay busy and the day drags on.
Coupons! They are my new hobby. I've been couponing for a couple of months now and it's really fun. I saved $90 and $60 at Bilo in two days along with getting enough gas tokens for a $25 gift card and 3 Turkey tokens,lol. Eh, It give me something to do besides worry all the time.
Crap, I just realized Halloween is in like a week and I haven't done anything about the girls' costumes. They are going to be black "Kitties" I thought it would be an easy costume to make myself. They already have black leotards and tights. Chance, I don't have to worry about him this year. He wants to dress as a construction worker and he is handling his costume.

Okay, I guess this really wasn't short. If I stop typing I'll have to get up...
I think I'm going to have some hot tea. Reshelving/stocking merchandise is murdering my allergies.

Oh, Joelie I was thinking about you at work the other day when I came across these in the aisle I was working on. Lol.
you have to look closely but at the bottom it says:
6 individual Raclette trays insert beneath the grill for Swiss-style fondue;

Friday, October 17, 2008


I worked the second job today. It was pretty uneventful. I told the manager I wanted to work double shifts on Saturday and Sunday (to leave my weekdays after Target open to be with the kids)and he was quite happy with that. Seems they needed a strong weekend person. That means I'll get 25-30 hours in two days plus 40 hours at Target.That's $660 gross a week. Not bad...If I don't DIE, lol.

So here's my predicament. If you are reading this and know the answer please tell me !

When I go online to on Sunday night it asks me if I have worked, if I have earned money, how much, etc. If I answer no I get my money deposited on Monday morning. If I say no this week because I worked I won't get money on Monday morning. BUT, I won't get money from either job for two weeks! So, do I answer that I made money when I actually get a check or do I manually calculate/estimate my earnings and enter it ? If it's the latter I'm screwed. My car insurance is due next week and my account is on the verge of being in the red.

I'm trying to look on the bright side, really I am. Once I get my first check things should start rolling along smoothly. But the bank taking $100 from me and the state garnishing my account for my car tax (that was only a couple of months late, what happened to charging interest ?) pushed me to the edge. I'm trying not to teeter over.

I'm going out tomorrow night with the girls. I've never been to a Haunted House, don't like being scared. But, I SO need to get out and I don't want to miss another chance to hang out with these wonderful ladies. I might be quite worthless when I get to work Sunday morning. Lots and lots of coffee I reckon.

Okay, I'm cutting this short because my introspective juices are just not flowing.

Oh, on a side note. Olivia had two more episodes for my dad ;) and a fever when I got home Thursday. I think she picked up a bug in FL. Probably from drinking half the pool. She's okay now though. Tylenol,a day of the b.r.a.t diet and some electrolytes fixed her right up. Don't you love it when you nurse them and it works....FAST!
Night all. XOXO.

OH NO! Almost left without pictures !

Look - Triplets !! Lol.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day one is done!

Okay, so I survived my first day back to work. I actually felt okay about it. I have to thank Ms. Olivia who's many explosive diarrhea episodes over the last two days kinda of made going back to work sound somewhat refreshing, lol. It's nasty people, she doesn't wear diapers or pull-ups...underwear!, blech!

Getting to sleep early wasn't very hard either. When I was pregnant with Chance I worked 10pm-4am at Target and I remember trying to get to bed early so I would get enough sleep and I would just lay there with my eyes squeezed shut for about 2 hours. Same thing with naps, I have never been able to nap. Well, that has all changed now that I have the three energy drainers. I was SO ready for bed last night. Still, by the time I had everything ready for work, their clothes laid out, all three sets of teeth brushed, PJs on and in bed it was 10 o'clock. I think I got about 4.5 hours. Tonight I'm turning in a little earlier, hopefully by 9:30 *fingers crossed* and I don't think I need to get up at 3am. If I have my clothes all laid out and coffee pot ready I only need about 15 minutes to get up and out the door.

The women I'm working with are all nice. They seem a little clueless though. By the time my eight hours was up, they were asking me questions, lmao. It's been 8 and 6 years since I've worked at Target. I guess it's like riding a bike. I shop there all the time so that helps too; I know where everything is.

So, I'm off at Target on Friday, it will be my first day at job number two. I work there all weekend, blah. I figure if I work 40 hours at Target and 25-30 at Just Fresh I will bring home almost $200 more than I made at PCA. Of course it was in 40 hours, I'm making $2 less an hour. But, I have do it long anough to get caught up then I'm cutting back.....if I last that long.
If anyone has contacts I'm always on the look out for work at home or clerical/admin. work !!

The lady that reviewed my resume said I need to get a resume email. She said "wackymommy" doesn't sound professional. I don't know why ?! hehe. I guess I never thought over it before. I mean, that last place I worked the people were so laid back and I talked about the kids all the time. I don't really want to work for stiffs that wouldn't hire someone because their email addy says they are a wackymommy. That's how the game is played though....humph.

I just told Chance he could sleep in my bed tonight. I'm a sucker. He's going to watch the Lion King which will surely put me to sleep ;) Um....I have to go now, another explosive diarrhea episode has just occured.....

Ok, I'm back. Not in bed by 9:30 obviously. I'm still trying to get all my pics up. Here are a few more.

Statue of a The Anheuser-Busch Clydesdale

Another with "Shamu", Chance flashing his false smile, lol.

There is a huge M&M store at the mall, these are outside the entrance:

as you can see Olivia is not wearing the same clothes as her sister and her pic was taken in the dark. This is due to the fact that she peed her pants before her picture could be taken and I had to buy her a new outfit and take it on the way out *rolls eyes*

Just random pics from our vacation:

That's all folks !! Leave me comments so I know I'm not just talking to myself =D

Orlando '08

We had planned on going to Sea World and Islands of adventure, my two favs, but we ended up going to Sea world two days and skipping IoA because it rained 3 out of the 6 days we were there. It was fine with me though, 70+ bucks a person, pfft.
We spent one rainy day at the huge mall, got rained out a few hours early the first day at Sea World. The rest of the time we hung out at the resort and swam mostly. Chance and I rented a two seater bike one day. Note to self: make sure your helper can reach the peddles before renting next time, ha!
I stuck to my plan and we only ate out a couple of times. I brought tons of groceries and we made one trip to Super Target for a few more things. The food is too damned expensive and not worth it. My mom likes to go to those $25 seafood buffets, no way. I was saving my money to spoil the kids ! side note: gas was only $3.26 down there and on the way home I saw $2.88!

I absolutely love Sea World ! This was Chance's third time and the girls' second though, they were just babies the first. Chance has always had an attraction to water and the ocean. He is just amazed and enthralled every time he sees the whales, dolphins, sea turtles, etc. He of course started asking to go feed the dolphins and sting rays as soon as we pulled in the parking lot. I convinced him to skip the sting rays, he tried it last year and was so nervous he just threw all the shrimp in the water. You're supposed to put the shrimp in between your fingers and hold your hand at the bottom of the water and wait for a stingray to come along and grab it...yeah right. He fed the dolphins. The girls were in love, we all got to touch them. Sophia called them her sweeties. Olivia wanted to go swimming in their pool, lol. There is a kids area at Sea World too, a place where the kids can run and jump in water to cool off. Grandma didn't want to sit there long, she was too anxious to get to the Anheuser Busch Hospitality center for free beer, he he. Oh, we also had all an you can eat buffet for lunch and sat right next to the whale tanks. We got to watch the whales swim around while we were eating ! How cool is that ?! Compliments of my mom. She said it was my birthday present :)
Ok, all of this is just to set up the pics. I think there is one that I'm actually *in* and only by accident. I was on my way out of the picture when it was taken. I tend to end up behind the camera, always have.

Shamu. Chance wanted nothing to do with him. The girls were okay but Olivia wouldn't touch him, lol.

Sophia and Olivia at the viewing tank.

Chance feeding the Dolphins. It was very hard to get good pics because he needed help get up on the wall.

One of the "Little Sweeties"

Photo Spot. I have pics of Chance here from the two previous visits. Seems kind of symbolic this time with his sisters in the picture :)

That's all for now. More pics to come...I have to get to bed.Plus, I keep losing my signal and it's going to drive me nuts. See Joelie, it's not when we chat ;)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Here we go.

OK. my first blog post. I've blogged on myspace for a while now and I just get tired of that place so, I thought I'd branch out. here goes nothin'.

Today is the last day of my hiatus from being a working mommy. I've been out of work since March 28Th 2008. I figured after my severance I'd be out of work 3 months, 4 months max. Never expected 6. This is the longest I have not worked since I was 16.
Tomorrow I have an orientation at Target. I worked at Target 8 years ago. It was my first retail job after years in food. I was a department manager, this time I will be a peon. I loved working there but the personal bullshit, gossip and favoritism turned me off from it. I didn't want to return to retail or food. It was a last resort after months of trying to get something in clerical/admin like the job I was laid off from. I just don't have enough experience to speak of. I was great at my job but that doesn't translate to paper.
Anyway, I just got back last night from a week in Orlando. Normally our vacations are hard on me what with being squeezed in between working full time. Work all day, come home and pack, drive, spend a week getting very little sleep entertaining the kids, drive, unpack, return to work.
That's usually how it goes. Not this time though. It was actually fun for me too.
But today, my last day of being a sahm, I haven't been able to focus on anything. I keep getting up from the desk and walking around. Not really wanting to do anything but not really wanting to sit at the computer all day doing nothing.
I'm just sad that it's over. I have to go back to dividing my time between work and the kids. Being perpetually tired and feeling like I never spend enough time with them. Oh, did I mention I will be working two jobs ? Yep, I won't be making enough at Target so I am also taking a job at a restaurant called Just Fresh doing prep. The Target job is 4am-12:30pm which is what I wanted. To work the majority of time while the kids are still asleep. I will be home before lunch. The Just Fresh job however, I don't know yet. I really don't want to work them back-to-back. I'm hoping they will let me work all day Saturday and Sunday. That way I will have my weekdays with the kids. I hope it works out. I really love spending time with them and don't want to go back to the days when I felt like part-time parent.
Back to my point, today has been strange. There are four bags sitting in my hallway waiting to be unpacked. Clean laundry that needs to be put away, cleaning to be done. I haven't done anything. I should be cleaning the house and preparing but I'm not. I'll be mad at myself later.
I sent the paper work to CPCC before we left and hoped that I would have some info when I got home. All I got though is another letter asking for paperwork. The deadline is October 15Th so I think I have to go downtown tomorrow. I really hope I get to talk to someone, I don't want to miss this chance.

OK, first post is officially over. Tell me how I did :)