Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve, yay.

It's been a while. Here's what's been going on.
My hours were cut at Target so I had to take extra shifts at Just Fresh. After my years of managing restaurants just being a peon and watching all the stupid shit people do is NOT easy. I got through it because I had to but hated it the entire time. Still like 15 hours short for the week though.
This week I got my hours back at Target. I worked 10pm-7:30am Sunday, Monday and is Wednesday right ? So each morning I crawled into bed at 8 am or so and got woke up by some kind of child related noise after a few hours. I have slept a total of approx. ten hours in four days. I tried to nap a couple of times while they were napping and I couldn't fall asleep. This Friday night I work 10pm-6:30am at Target and Saturday morning 7:30am-3pm at Just Fresh. Shit. I didn't even realize what happened until yesterday. I'm going to try and swap to Saturday night. When I mentioned this to my mother she seemed to not understand why this was a problem for me. Did I mention I hate people ? Apparently she thinks that killing myself is no big deal.

Christmas presents. I mentioned here and there that I did not have money to shop for my kids and a few very awesome people bought them gifts. I loaded up my car twice this week and I'm actually excited now that I have gifts for them.
Chance has been wound up like a top for at least a week. He and his Papa made two heavy duty step stools for the girls to climb into bed. He says they made them out of heavy wood so they could pick them up and use them to climb on everything else in the room. We shall see. They are painted, one pink and one purple, with there names. Pics to follow. Tonight he insisted that I help him bake fresh cookies for Santa. They could NOT be store bought or even the one my mom made. He wanted them to come from his own hand. We made the peanut butter ones with a kiss in the middle. He did an awesome job. Finally got the cookies, milk and carrots out around 10:30. He is one excited little boy. The best part is he didn't ask for anything specific for Christmas. He's excited to see what he will get. He trusts Santa, lol. I told him that if he waked up and it's still dark that's a sign that it's too early. hehe. I explained to the girls again this year. While they are definitely loving the idea of getting presents and their stockings filled, the idea of a stranger coming into the house.....not liking that so much, lol.

There will be NO visitors to my area of the house tomorrow. I have not had time to do any cleaning in over a week and my kids are INSANELY messy. I can't have people seeing my place a wreck, I go mental. Even if it's family. So, I'll be locking the doors. There's no time left for me to clean up and I don't have the energy or will power if there was.

The girls birthday is this Sunday and Chance's in two weeks. I won't be able to do any kind of party this year. I hope Chance will understand. Last year we did the bowling thing which cost me an arm and a leg but I made it work. This year there is no way. I can't even afford US going bowling.

Well, I have to get up and get to gift wrapping. Maybe I'll get more than 4 hours sleep tonight if I hurry....


Erin said...

I am SO glad that people stepped up. I was going to, but well... yeah, barely managed to get my kids anything, and actually, the 2 oldest got NADA. Blah.

So anyway, yeah, no one is coming here either, I am still feeling like crap, Terra too. We have to go to Mom's for dinner. I'd rather starve.

Hope Santa did right by Chance and that he still trusts him next year ;)

Joelie said...

You're my hero.