Wednesday, November 12, 2008


wow, it has been 10 days since I last blogged. I have done nothing but sleep (very little), work (very hard) and be a mommy (ahhhhh). I never even had time to sign up for NaNoWriMo, sorry Joelie :( But ! Enough about that......

I am happy to report that my girls have hit two milestones this week *drum roll*

#1) On Monday afternoon I returned home from work to find that Miss Sophia had trimmed her on bangs. If that is not horrifying enough how about the fact that out of the three people home with her - my Dad, brother and son - NONE of them knew that she had done it or that she had access to scissors. Free childcare at it's best.
#2) This very afternoon I returned home from work to find that while the SAME 3 people were home with the girls they took all of the bins from their toy storage shelf, stacked them together and used them as a step stool to climb up and reach the small closet that I stored their crayons and coloring books. Took out the crayons and proceed to scribble all over their freshly painted Sunshine Yellow bedroom walls, the floor, bed rails, bookshelf, etc, etc. Not only did my brother not know what had happened when I got home but Chance who did know what they had done didn't even take the crayons away ! Ugh.

Well, the Magic Eraser did the trick. I'm not finished though. I haven't been getting much of anything done around here lately. I've been washing clothes but not folding and putting them away. I have about 4 loads sitting in my living room calling my name. After I made the girls help clean part of the wall I fed them lunch and took them outside to play. There just aren't enough hours in the day to be a good housekeeper, mommy, cook, playmate, etc. and work a full time and part time job.

I had a nice conversation with a lady at work today about my kids. People just assume that I am divorced or whatever. We started talking while we were working and I told her that I had my kids using a donor and all that. She thought it was super cool and that I am brave women, lol. Most women think it's a great thing and ask tons of questions, most men hate the idea. hehe, I wonder why.

okay, off to put my ducks in a row so I can get the girls to bed early and then myself :) Chance went to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa and I am taking advantage. Hopefully if all goes well I will get an extra hours sleep.

Later !! XOXO

1 comment:

Joelie said...

YAY!!! A new BLOG!!! Frickin' FINALLY, W!!! ANYhoo... I love the milestones. I've just recently experienced the joy of crayons myself but on thing such as the WOOD of my king size bed--a surface for which the magic eraser is no option!!! Little punks. And no one will own up to it.

You really ARE a kick@$$ frickin' mama, you know? And as for the laundry, I don't fold, yo. I invested in hangers. I hang EVERYTHING up and what can't be hung gets thrown in a drawer because it's either too little or too intimate for me to care if it's wrinkled... Srrrsly.

Hugs, Mama. Keep up the good stuff. Don't worry about Nano this year. Pump yourself up for next year.